Title: Kampfer
Genre: action, comedy, romance
Episode: 12
Bishoujo battle & school love comedy. Senou Natsuru is a normal high school boy. One day he wakes up to find himself turned into a girl. A stuffed tiger "Harakiri Tora" gains a life and tells him to fight as a female psychic fighter "Kämpfer". Having no idea about what's going on, Natsuru is involved in the battles against other Kämpfers.
As far as i have seen this show i must say that i am impressed for what they have done with it.Also this series is a lot of fun to watch because of the typical man to woman transformation and the guy not knowing witch way to turn.
The art is nicely done and is a little better in my eyes than other anime i have seen.The voice acting is a little wierd but you'll get used to it very quickly.
I have high hopes for this series although it is a little short.
But as far as i have seen it now and laughed my ass of at some moments i really think this anime is worth watching.
lets hope for the best.
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