next week i will exam.. every month have a exam...
but this month is the month that everyone happy (some of the student)
why.. because this month full with co-curricular...
and the whole school not study...
anyways.. those who read the post this will expect me to succeed..
and i will study hard and smooth (must) until sleep on the book..
but i will active anyways.. in internet or other program..
actually.. all of this month and last year, i want to learn with sensei.. learn how to hacking other computer.. lol...
and i will try to answer all of the question especially mathematics subject (because i bad at mathematics).. and will cheating whenever i get a chance...
want to seat beside my clever friend.. i will have more chance to cheating (evil spirit)
but matbe i not have any chance because the teacher that keep on eye on my class is!!!
KERORO sensei!!!!!!
hahahahahahaha..... impossible.. no one will believe on me if the sensei is keroro...
the picture is real... real human.. not creation of human... lol...
this will be the end of my text...
good luck in exam kaziru.. lawlz...